
Monday, January 6, 2014

My First Ever Award - "Liebster Award"

I was absolutely over the moon..A week ago I was nominated for the “Liebster award”, first time ever getting nominated for an award of any kind. Super cool, and not only that, but during that same week I got a second nomination. My first nomination came from Paru of Paru's Kitchen and then Aara of Sweets & Spices  Two excellent blogs worth exploring and following. I am truly honored to have received this Award. So thanks a ton to you both, this is really sweet!
Hip Hip Hurray....My First Award
So what is this Liebster Award all about?? I did a bit of research and got to know some facts about the Award. This award originated in the German soil and is a tribute to the newbie’s of the blogging world, created to be encouraged and motivated. This seems to be a chain mail that comes from a very lovely and motivating intention. It is designed for people with less than 200 followers, for no other reason this award offers the opportunity to discover new blogs that may not otherwise have been found and you feel they deserve more.  In simple words, aim of this award is to offer public recognition to new bloggers for their work.

Here goes the things that you need to do when you receive this award
  • Blog about the award in your space.
  • Thank the presenter and link back to the blogger who awarded you.
  • Copy paste the award picture to your blog.
  • Answer the questions asked by the blogger.
  • Nominate 10 -15 bloggers at your space who have less than 200 followers
  • Create a new list of questions for the nominees
  • Inform them of their nomination and award by leaving comment on their blog.
  • Leave a note to them to collect it from your space.  
So my answers to questions asked by Paaru of Paaru’s Kitchen

1. What was ur first Blog post? Why did u choose that?
    My first post was Soya Pulav and it was not all planned. I just prepared the dish for my       lunch was my family was like , lets start with this dish..and when i clicked PUBLISH,  it     was like publishing my cookbook.. Wow
2. Spicy foods or Sweets?
I am big fan of spicy foods, my blog answers it all…when the masala’s just fry in oil and leaves the aroma…I feel like cooking and serving more and more to my family and now to my readers..
3. Which is ur favorite cuisine?
South Indian Cuisine, especially Kerala cuisines, I just love the blend of spices that we use in our cuisine.
4. If ur supposed to cook in just 15 mins what will u prefer doing?
Now comes to mind is Upma, but it also depends on the ingredients available at the time to me.
5. How will u clean up the kitchen? Simultaneously, while cooking or after    finishing all the works?
After finishing the whole work, as if feel that cleaning in between will simply waste my time and concentration.
6. What is ur favorite cooking show u never missed to watch?
Dr Lakshmi Nambiar’s Magic Oven, and Thani Naadan in Mazhavil manorama , Nigella's Kitchen on TLC(Only watching),  Vicky goes Veg.
7. One thing u will never do in ur kitchen?
Combing hair in my kitchen ( I hate it when i get a strand of hair in any dish)
8. Pick one of this items that you always need in ur pantry?
          Ø  Food processor
Ø  Mixer
Ø  Knife set
Ø  Skillet
Ø  Microwave
Mixer and knife set ( I can't rule without these in my kitchen, so i pick two)
9. What is ur best dish you ever made?
I can't just mention one, all my chicken dishes are well appreciated, to choose one, then Chicken Thenga Varutharacha Curry is loved by all..
10. The first thing you grab as soon as u enters a grocery shop?
The first thing I do when I enter a new grocery shop is that, I go around and scan all the items…I love to buy attractive bowls than plates …. I will buy one and eye on the next and zip list it for the next purchase…
 So that’s all, I felt as if I was doing some homework back school. Thankz Paaru

My questions for the nominees are as follows..
  1. Describe yourself in 3 words.
  2. Your likes and dislikes.
  3. How did you pick your blog name?
  4. At what age did you get your hands on cooking and fist dish you prepared (Don't tell me tea/coffee)?
  5. What ingredient you haven't used in your kitchen yet but would love to experiment with?
  6. Your Signature Dish.(If in your blog please provide the link)
  7. Favourite recipe which you love to cook.
  8. Fame or Money and why?
  9. Two BEST PHOTOGRAPHED pics on my blog :A Bowl Of Curry" (provide link).
  10. Any two recipes which you would like to try from my blog (provide link)
  11. Big lavish parties or small intimate dinners - which is your entertaining style?
One more from my side....
   13.When you cook something tasty, do you lick your plate when you're done??? 

So here are my nominees

  1. Indu of A Bit of This and a Bit of That
  2. Resna Nishad of Resna’s Tasty Home 
  3. Sheela of Korporate 2 Kitchen
  4. Remya sean of Remmy's Kitchen
  5. Nimmy of Nimmy's Kitchen
  6. Arthy of Cook with Arthy Sharma
  7. Shoba of Shoba's Delight
  8. Tanya Desigan of Easy and Simple Foods 
  9. Priya Balchand  of Priya's Sood Safari
  10. Magee of Magee's kitchen World 
  11. Laxmi of Samyal diary 
  12. Femi Of Femi's Kitchen 
  13. Sona of Spill The Spices
  14. Priya Of Priya's Virundhu
  15. Sathya Priya Of My Kitchen Odyssey
Since I got it for the first time I would love to answer Aara’s too. So here is hers

 1.What did u understand with the concept of blogging?
For me my blog is a space where I can share my thoughts, instances in my life both happy and sad. It’s where I share my experiments in my kitchen.
2.What are the things that changed after you started blogging?
After I started blogging i came to know more about food, different cuisines, and cultures across the world, and of course making many many friends. Blogging helped me get new buddies. More friendly people who appreciate my work and also advice. It makes me feel happy and motivated.  
3.If you are a food blogger do ur family and friends support your efforts
My husband and kids are my great support in whatever I do. They are the judges who rate my food first and approve.
4.How is your blog different from other blogs you came across?
I am in love with Kerala food, and mostly cook the traditional Kerala dishes. Now after I started exploring more I am trying out new recipes from across the world.
 5.Do you have virtual friends? How does it feel when u interacts with them?
Yes I do. Feel happy when they appreciate your work.
 6.What is your New Year resolutions and why.
I never take New Year resolutions. Just be a good human being.
7.One thing you can change about yourself.
I am a bit lazy at times, that’s it... but I enjoy my laziness sometimes…
8.One thing you always fantasy about u can have
My dream home with my family living happily…
9.5 things you love the most
Collecting unique
Listening to old hindi songs
10.Blogging is a different World!! What if u were not a blogger? and what if   u have to quit blogging anytime???
This is something is discovered new about me... so no quitting..
11.Who inspire and motivate u to cook :)
My family…
Thanks Aara

I loved visiting new blogs. It was a great exploration and learning experience.
Congrats to all of you. Keep blogging. Good luck. Please collect the award from this post and do comment when you receive or pass on to other bloggers.


  1. Yipee....Congrats on your first award Preetha..your recipes deserve it:) Way to go.....

    And thank you for nominating me for the award too. I will do my best :)

  2. i already got this dear.. :) anyways thx for nominating..

  3. Replies
    1. Wow.. Thank you so much.. and congrats to you too..

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much....Smitha.. this is how we get to know more bloggers.. and feel motivated..

  5. congrats dear and thanks a lot for nominating me......

    1. Thank you so much....femi.. waiting to read your answers..hope you rock it..

  6. Preetha, Please check my page.

    I dint know how to link back... Answered the questions invited newbies like me to join the chain :)
    Thanks again :)

  7. Congrata on ur award.wish u get more

    1. wow.. Thank you so much....waiting for new and exciting appreciations...

  8. Thank you Preetha, am honoured :)

    I collecte award from your post and invited new ones!

  10. thats great... you got the award from two.. which means your so innovative and capable for that... love all ur answers and you have so much patience to answer from both of us... ha ha ha :D i would like to answer ur last question... i do lick my plates if it is so so yummy.... i never bother who looks at me weirdly!!! after all thats my food to taste... who is gonna ask me.. :)

    1. Thanks so much Paaru....and hahaha... i think out of all the questions i asked that was the finger licking one.... and how much we enjoy both cooking and eating yumm foods...Keep in touch

  11. congrats preetha .Thanks for nominating me for the award .

  12. Congrats and thank you for the nomination. I had posted the award and replied you


Thank you so much for paying a visit to my little blog. If you happen to try out any of my recipes posted on blog, please do leave a comment, from which I can review and also help other visitors who visit A Bowl of Curry. Feel free o send in your suggestions about the blog or the recipes…which will make me improve.